Chris Dawson's Hockey for Kids

About The Hockey for Kids Charity Classic

Five years ago, I began an annual Christmas Hockey game with an after party to raise funds for local children in need. The event was first held on my birthday (Boxing Day), since I thought what better way to spend my birthday than playing hockey with great people, sweating out some of that Christmas dinner, and enjoying some holiday cheer afterwards - all while giving back to the community. Those who know me know that children have always held a special place in my heart; so with the holidays being such a special time for children, it was only natural to me that this event would be in benefit of children.

This year, I will continue the holiday hockey fundraising tradition. I have partnered with the Children's Health Foundation, so that the funds raised will benefit more children and families who might be affected in their health and require medical services. We are very fortunate in the City of London to have world-class healthcare provided by London Health Sciences Centre. We benefit from an exceptional children's hospital. However, as is evident from constant media reports, hospitals throughout the province are under increasing funding pressures. Children's Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre is no exception.

As I have always maintained, anything that can be done to help our community, and particularly Children's Hospital, only goes to benefit the citizens of this city and particularly, our children, who are among the most vulnerable. As a father of three, I hope my children never need to rely on Children’s Hospital, but I take comfort in knowing that should they need it, world class services and technology are there for them.

Join me this year in raising funds solely for the benefit of Children's Health Foundation. This event is one of a kind, bringing members of our community together in fun, friendly spirited, hockey games that also coincide with the holiday season and the season of giving. All proceeds raised will be charitable donations to Children's Health Foundation (tax receipts available).

This event is NOT exclusive to hockey players. Please join us for the after party, where there will be great people, food & drink, networking, prizes, and a chance to see how all of your generous donations benefit Children’s Hospital.

What started out as a modest game of shinny has grown tremendously over the last few years, thanks to the generosity of people like you! With your continued support, we hope this event will be another success, as we give back to our own community and work toward bettering the lives of children in our community. As the Chair of this event, we thank you for your sincere consideration and your donations. I look forward to seeing you there.

Chris Dawson
Chris Dawson
Chris Dawson, Lerners LLP

About Chris

Chris is a partner at Lerners law firm, practicing exclusively in personal injury law and working only for injured people and their families. Chris is a passionate advocate for his clients when, even from a very young age, he had resolved to fight for those with injuries and disabilities.

Chris is involved in many community organizations and strongly believes in giving back to his community. Chris lives in London with his wife and young children.

Contact Chris

Tel:        519.640.6360
Website: Lerners: Christopher Dawson